Volunteer SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR THE ANNUAL GREATER PITTSBURGH AREA SOAP BOX DERBY RACE THE RACE WILL BE HELD FATHERS DAY JUNE 18, 2017 Eden Park Blvd in McKeesport 1) NAME:______________________________________________________________ 2) ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________ 3) DAY PHONE: _________________ NIGHT PHONE: __________________ 4) DAY YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER FOR: _________________ 5) TIME YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER FOR: _________________ SET UP WILL BEGIN ON Sunday Morning June 19TH AT 5:00 A..M. INSPECTIONS AND CHECK IN FOR THE CARS WILL BE JUNE 13TH thru 17TH WE COULD ALSO USE HELP ON THESE DATES IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CALL THE DERBY PHONE AT 412-207-2681 Email to pghsoapboxderby@yahoo.com Valuable for all they do. Open to trying anything new. Loyal and reliable everyday. United in their caring way. Nice to everyone they see. Thoughtful as anyone can be. Energetic in doing whatever they can. Eager to lend a helping hand. Ready with smiles and tenderness too.