NewsSoap Box Derby Receives Grant From Timken Foundation of Canton01.29.2020The International Soap Box Derby (ISBD) has received a $30,000-grant from the Timken Foundation of Canton for capital improvements to Derby Downs. The ISBD will use this grant for improvements to the Soap Box Derby sidewalk alongside the track as well as new directional signage on the Soap Box Derby’s grounds. These funds will help enhance the overall experience for racers, their families and spectators visiting Akron for the Derby’s many events throughout the year. The new directional signage will make it easier for patrons who attend events at Derby Downs to find the location they are looking for. These new signs will help guests locate our Hall of Fame and Museum, shipping department, main headquarters, parking lot and track. Repaving the sidewalks will make Derby Downs more accessible for wheel chairs and provide more room for patrons to traverse the grounds. These improvements will widen the current walkways and ensure a more accommodating experience for our guests. “It is very exciting to receive a grant from Timken Foundation. This capital contribution will play a big role for us in getting new signage for the property, as well as assisting us with improvements to our sidewalks alongside the track,” said Mark Gerberich, president and chief executive officer of the Soap Box Derby. “The support we have received in Canton is vital for the expansion of the Derby. We continue to do more in Stark County with their education program through Canton City Schools and continue the momentum that was provided earlier in the year by a Stark Community Foundation grant.”