Race Divisions and Build Plans

Race divisions, details, and car build plans

Soap Box Derby Racing Divisions

Stock Division

The Stock division is for racers 7-13 years old. Stock cars can accommodate a racer up to (approximately) 5’3″ tall and 125 pounds.

Details (click to expand)

The car weighs approximately 70 lbs. put together with Z-Glas® wheels. The combined weight of the assembled car and the driver shall not exceed 200 pounds including the Z-Glas® wheels. A combined weight of less than 200 pounds may be increased by the addition of owner-provided weight. The Stock car, a lean-forward design, is sold as a kit that includes everything needed for racing with the exception of Z-Glas racing wheels and weights. Because painting is not permitted on the Stock car shell, drivers have the choice of decaling or using a vinyl wrap on their white shell. Builders should allow 4-6 hours to assemble their Stock division car.

Super Stock Division

The Super Stock division is designed for racers 9-18 years old. Super Stock cars can accommodate a larger racer up to (approximately) 6’0″ tall and 150 pounds.

Details (click to expand)

The car weighs approximately 73 lbs. put together with Z-Glas® wheels. The combined weight of the assembled car and the driver shall not exceed 240 pounds including the Z-Glas® wheels. A combined weight of less than 240 pounds may be increased by the addition of owner-provided weight. The Super Stock, a lean-forward designed car, is also sold as a kit that includes everything needed for racing with the exception of Z-Glas racing wheels and weights. Builders should allow 4-6 hours to assemble their Super Stock division car.

Masters Division

The Masters division (also known as Scottie) is for racers 10-20 years old and is driven by the more experienced drivers. Masters cars can accommodate a child up to (approximately) 6’0″ tall and 160 pounds.

Details (click to expand)

The car weighs approximately 88 lbs. put together with Z-Glas® wheels. The combined weight of the assembled car and the driver shall not exceed 255 pounds including the Z-Glas® wheels. A combined weight of less than 255 pounds may be increased by the addition of owner-provided weight. Because of the lay-down (enclosed) design of the Masters car, small drivers are also competitive in this division.

Legacy Division

NOTE: The Legacy division is a special division only held during the FirstEnergy All-American Race Week at Derby Downs in Akron, Ohio. Champs cannot compete in this division at the local race city level.

The Legacy division is intended for experienced racers 12-20 years old. The Legacy race is an open-invitation, double-elimination, and lane-and-wheel swap as part of the annual FirstEnergy All-American Race Week.

Details (click to expand)

Legacy puts the STEM principles of aerodynamics and chassis design into practice and accommodates larger, more experienced drivers. To qualify you must register and pay the registration fee by the deadline. Champs qualified to attend Race Week in another ISBD division will have the option of racing in the Legacy division as well. The Legacy cars must arrive within the same drop-off period that all other divisions follow.

The wheels are not included in the kit price. The Legacy kit contains an uncut floorboard and all hardware required to construct your car chassis. The builder will provide materials to construct the body, weights, and other optional hardware described in the Build Plan as desired.