News Article

Soap Box Derby Hall of Fame Selects Three New Members for 2022 Class of Inductees

Three long-time volunteers will be inducted into the Soap Box Derby Hall of Fame during the post-race awards ceremony for the 84th FirstEnergy All-American Soap Box Derby on the evening of Saturday, July 23.

“The Soap Box Derby Hall of Fame was established in 1997, to recognize the significant contributions and efforts of individuals who have made it possible for the Soap Box Derby program to have an impact on the lives of young people throughout the United States and other parts of the world,” said Mark Gerberich, president and chief executive officer of International Soap Box Derby.

The 2022 Hall of Fame inductees are:

VICKIE BECK, Akron. Vickie Beck, 67, has been a volunteer for the Akron local Soap Box Derby organization for more than 30 years, serving as a member of the board of directors and as treasurer. She also is a long-time member of the A-Team at the FirstEnergy All-American Soap Box Derby and can be found during racing events working with heat sheets to organize activities on the finish line bridge or at the starting line. Beck also has been an active supporter of the Super Kids events for special needs children, as well as the local Portage County Soap Box Derby. She is retired from the office staff at a JCPenney store in Akron.

BILL BEHAN, Dover New Hampshire. Bill Behan, 69, first raced in the New Hampshire Soap Box Derby in 1966, and raced in the All-American championship two years later after winning the local New Hampshire race. He began volunteering the following year in Dover and has continued for more than five decades. During many of those years, he has been the local race and rally director, and has served as treasurer and vice president of the New Hampshire organization. Behan has been a member of the All-American’s A-Team since 1995 and is responsible for the communication system connecting the starting line, finish line and run-out area. During races, he captures finish line photos of each heat on the computer system’s overhead camera. For decades he has mentored hundreds of boys and girls on the design and construction of their cars. His son Marc won the Junior Division world championship in 1986. Behan retired as an electrical technician from the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.

MICHAEL RUSHING, Jackson, Missouri. Mike Rushing, 79, has been instrumental in the Cape Girardeau Soap Box Derby program since it was re-established in 2000 by the local Rotary Club. Over the years, he has promoted interest in racing, recruited new participants, educated youngsters on car construction and driving skills, trained dozens of local volunteers and served as race director. He has financially supported local families by purchasing car kits, parts, tools and helmets. Rushing began volunteering in the run-out area at the All-American championships in 2004. In recent years, he has been responsible for staging the competing race cars in the two buildings at Topside. He also is a member of the All-American’s racing commission. He is founder of Rushing Marine Service LLC, a marine consulting business, in Jackson.

“These new honorees bring the total number to 83 over the past 25 years,” Gerberich said. “The first inductee was Myron Scott, who founded the Soap Box Derby program in 1934.”

Vickie Beck
Bill Behan
Michael Rushing

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