News Article

Gravity Racing Challenge: Soap Box Derby for Local Schools

AKRON, Ohio (May 18, 2024) – Rain and cold temperatures didn’t stop the more than 70 Gravity Racing Challenge teams that came to Derby Downs in Akron to compete for top prizes among their peers. Four high schools competed Thursday, May 9 and 18 grade schools and youth groups competed Saturday, May 11. They each raced multiple regulation-sized soap box derby cars in stock and super stock categories.

Derby Downs is the home of the International Soap Box Derby and the annual FirstEnergy All-American Soap Box Derby World Championships taking place the week of July 14-20.

Gravity Racing Challenge is a STEM education and learning program of the ISBD. Teams build regulation-sized soap box derby cars and compete. They also build and race mini-soap box cars, as well as non-regulation fun-run cars. The program helps teach STEM, while exposing soap box derby racing to a new group of local students, parents and families.

This year’s winners in the Stock and Super Stock Division were: 


  1. Cuyahoga Falls High School
  2. Barberton High School
  3. Barberton High School


  1. Seiberling CLC (APS)
  2. Seiberling CLC (APS)
  3. Hatton CLC (APS)


  1. Streetsboro Middle School
  2. Streetsboro Middle School
  3. Green Intermediate

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