News Article

Soap Box Derby HOF and Youth Award Nominations Due May 17

International Soap Box Derby Hall of Fame

AKRON, Ohio (April 21, 2024)—International Soap Box Derby (ISBD) seeks nominations for the Class of 2024 inductees into the Hall of Fame and for the Annual President’s Youth Volunteer Service Award. The ISBD will present the awards at the 86th FirstEnergy All-American World Championships in Akron, Ohio during Race Week, July 14-20, 2024.

“We look forward to this year’s election of the top men and women of the International Soap Box Derby. These individuals come from all over the country and the world and are being honored for making significant service or financial contributions over the years,” said Scott Taylor, president and CEO. “In addition, we recognize the incredible volunteer efforts of our young racers with the Youth Service Awards.”

Candidates for the Hall of Fame must have a minimum of 20 years’ volunteer service at the local or national level or have made a significant financial or sponsorship contribution to the program. Former racers of at least 10 years ago or Derby staff members with a minimum of 10 years’ service also can be nominated. Candidates for the Youth Volunteer Service Award must be under the age of 21 and have made a significant impact as a volunteer or mentor to other young racers.

Nominations are due Friday, May 17.

To learn more about past nominees, how to qualify for each aware and how you can nominate someone, visit:
Hall of Fame – 
Youth Volunteer –

About the Soap Box Derby
The International Soap Box Derby®, located in Akron, Ohio, is a nonprofit youth education and leadership development organization whose mission is to build knowledge and character, and to create meaningful experiences through fair and honest racing competitions, STEM curricula, and other community-focused activities. The Derby dates back to 1934, when the first All-American race was held in Dayton, Ohio. For more information, visit

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