Derby Downs
The world-famous Derby Downs track in Akron, Ohio isn’t only home to races leading up to the FirstEnergy All-American Soap Box Derby World Championship – Derby Downs is also a center of activity and interest from the spring through the fall for special events and corporate outings!
Derby Downs
Annual Events
Gravity Racing Challenge
STEM Team Competition
STEM Summer Camp
FirstEnergy All-American
Soap Box Derby World Championship
Corporate Derby Challenge
Girls Racing to STEM Workshop
Senior Day
Inclusion Day
About the Derby Downs Track

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The bridge is 35 feet, seven inches past the former finish line, which was moved to lengthen the official track to 989 feet, four inches. To obtain the propulsion that produces exciting races, the track’s decline is separated into three stages. The first 53.75 feet carry a 16 percent grade, meaning a drop at the rate of 16 feet for every 100 feet. There follows a six percent grade for the next 530 and a two percent drop over the remaining 405.5 feet.
The track itself is as safe as experience and engineering can make it. The 30-foot-wide track is bordered by guardrails. The 1,200-foot run-out area beyond the finish line is an additional safety precaution. Parallel lines on the full length of the track serve as guides for drivers.